bleh bleh blah

mkay so i did my redo cell shaded thingies and the polypaint, they're below, but I also started (finally lol) working on fixing a few things, namely the ears, and an ATTEMPT at resculpting the shawl. I had some issues that I'll get into in a sec which i was gonna ask you about bc I'm confused as hell
 ok so first, I resculpted the ears

ok, so the shawl. so I tried a few different things, including a disastrous attempt at using the curve bridge tool, which would have been great for the skirt, possibly even her cloak if i end up making it outside maya, not so much for a shawl. so then i restarted with a plane 3D (again) was a little more strategic in my attempts to sculpt it this time, and used morph target to give it thickness. this caused a few problems, but I managed to fix them, however, when it came to appended and moving it around I hit a few roadblocks in terms of moving, scaling, and reshaping it a little to fit the model. that said, the move elastic tool seems to work really well, so I'm probably going to continue messing around with that


anyway since I couldn't really work my way out of my shawl problems for the moment at least, I did the polypaint  and redone cel-shading thingies with the original shawl. obviously, I'll redo it once that issues fixed

i did two of the halloween sculpt; one posterized, the other without

aaaaaaand babayaga. like I said, I'm resculpting the shawl. kinda just trying to figure it out

aaaaaaand my crappy polypaint:

seeing this now, I really want to make sure i add in the cloack because I really need some kinda of inbetween reddish orange color to tie some of this palette together and make my golds more gold without making everything look gross :/


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