finally got her posed!!!

i forgot to get any screenshots, but even after removing basically all the hard-surface objects, her head, her hair, jewelry, etc. everything warped straight to hell, so the only part of that I used was the body/arms/legs/whatnot. most of my time was actually spent appending all her clothes and accessories and whatnot off the original model and transposing them and moving them around to finish it off. obviously, her clothes are gonna need some work retexturing and resculpting, especially her skirt and the tassles on the scarf around her waist. i also did a slight expression on her face but im probably gonna do some more work on that. it was admittedly more of an afterthought

on the bright side i totally slaughtered my polycount from what it used to be

anyway here's how she looks posed. ill add in the rest of her charms and the feathers asap


  1. Pose the face more. Arm still looks awkward ... pose looks weird / exaggerated from the side. Consider adding post FX / glow / particles to either her staff or a crystal ball for the other hand.


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